Middle Way Musings

Welcome to Middle Way Musings

Where Curiosity and Reason Converge

Traveler jumping in the middle of a road

Photo by Thien Dang on Unsplash

First of all, let’s break it down — what exactly is the “Middle Way”? Well, it’s not about walking down the center line of a road or finding the perfect balance between cheese and tomato sauce on your pizza (although that’s important too). In Buddhism, the Middle Way refers to the path of avoiding extremes. It’s like navigating through life’s twists and turns without getting caught up in the pitfalls of excessive indulgence or severe asceticism. It’s a sweet spot where wisdom and compassion harmonize, and we’re here to explore it together.

Now, let’s talk about “Musings.” Think of it as a collection of thoughts, contemplations, and reflections — mental adventures, if you will. I’m not here to dish out definitive answers or impose my views, but rather to spark curiosity, provoke thought, and explore the fascinating realms of Buddhism, science, and beyond.

So, who’s behind all these musings? Well, that’s me! With a background in science, technology, overthinking and a thirst for philosophy, I’ve spent more than a decade volunteering and founding organizations addressing social issues. Along the way, I’ve been dabbling in Buddhadharma, but it wasn’t until life gave me lemons that I fully embraced the path. And now, as a full-time student in a Tibetan Monastic University in India, I’m diving deep into the wisdom of the ages.

Why the fascination with Buddhism? Well, as a scientifically inclined mind with a thirst for wizardry, I craved a deeper understanding of reality beyond what science alone could offer. That’s where Mahayana Buddhism, particularly Madhyamaka i.e. the Middle Way 1, entered the picture. It provided me with the tools to venture even further, challenging materialistic views and misconceptions while bridging the gap between science and spirituality.

Through this blog, I aim to share the insights, ideas and understanding I gain on my journey through the hallowed halls of a Tibetan Monastic University. Expect a diverse array of topics, including philosophy, monasticism, religion, logic, reasoning, science, psychology, meditation, wisdom and compassion, and so much more. I’ll also share translations of Mahayana texts and manuscripts, bringing ancient wisdom to light for the modern world.

But what do I hope to achieve with all this? It’s simple — to offer you perspectives and views that may be otherwise inaccessible due to language, cultural, or financial barriers. I love to challenge existing perspectives and uncover new insights that can bring benefit to others, so that we can unravel the understanding of reality together, and expand our collective knowledge.

So, dear reader, welcome to Middle Way Musings. Get ready to embark on journey of mind and spirit, where intellect and curiosity intertwine, and where profound insights mingle with lighthearted musings. Together, let us navigate the Middle Way, unveiling the wonders that lie in store.

Let the musings begin!

  1. Madhya meaning “middle” in Sanskrit, ma meaning “most” and ka being an adjective suffix ↩︎